North Cross welcomes students from all over the world to apply for 入学. We are excited to introduce you to 洛亚诺克 和 our Community. 请浏览 国际学生 和 在彩乐园2app下载车站登机 pages to learn more about life as an international student in 洛亚诺克.
要获取更多信息或让我们与您联系,请填写下面的问询表. 如果你对国际录取有任何疑问, please contact our Director of Admission 和 Financial Aid, 马修Gillil和, by 电话 or 电子邮件.
要获取更多信息或让我们与您联系,请填写下面的问询表. 如果你对国际录取有任何疑问, please contact our Director of Admission 和 Financial Aid, 马修Gillil和, by 电话 or 电子邮件.
我们位于弗吉尼亚州西南部,在阿巴拉契亚山脉和蓝岭山脉之间. 洛亚诺克, 弗吉尼亚是一个干净的州, 安全, 充满活力的, 这是一个成熟的城市,因为它有一个以医疗保健和研究为基础的前瞻性和强大的商业社区,所以它是一个欢迎和发展的城市, 而且离主要的学习中心很近. 我们经历了四季,没有一个季节太热或太冷而不能享受. 我们的弹簧, 有这么多的花儿, 是美丽的, 我们的跌落, 树叶变成了许多颜色, 是惊人的. 夏天有时会很热, 但不是压迫性的, 冬天会下一两场雪, 但阳光灿烂的日子给我们的脸上带来笑容.
Can you share photos of student’s activities, learning programs, dormitory 和 facilities?
- Now@North交叉:
- Youtube:
- 国际学生采访:
- 宿舍生活:
- 宿舍社交媒体:
- 我们的学校翻新:
- 高中课程由老师讲解: PL6smtDUqsdrjQzv-XIPCKMdHjzgTlzTZN列表&v = T -_LuzR9DY0&特点= emb_title
What makes your school attractive to international students?
The combination of many factors make North Cross attractive to international students. 在学业上, 彩乐园2app下载提供了一个优秀的大学预科经验,因为我们有优秀的教师, 选择性入学, 和 a rigorous curriculum - over 90% of our faculty have advanced degrees. 学院和大学尊重彩乐园2app下载的名字,我们的大学录取反映了这一点. 我们的价格很有竞争力, 受到高校的尊重, 和 provide each student a tailored 和 well-rounded experience.
When it comes to helping students with college selection, 大学申请, 大学论文, 以及大学的决定, we have a dedicated college counselor whose sole responsibility is college counseling. Ms. Julie Aavatsmark has worked at North Cross for over over 15 years; prior to that she spent 15 years on the college side of this process, so she knows what colleges are looking for 和 has significant connections.
除了学业和大学准备, our students enjoy 和 benefit from participation in activities outside the classroom, 在那里他们可以探索新事物并发展与其他彩乐园2app下载学生的关系. Whether it is to travel to Harvard 和 participate in Model United Nations, join the team 和 go to a coding competition in Washington, D.C., 坐公共汽车去和另一所学校进行体育比赛, 或者在我们的戏剧表演或音乐剧中扮演一个角色, 作为我们学校的一部分,你有很多丰富的方法来充分利用你在美国的时间. 我们最快乐的学生是那些积极参与的学生.
International students also like North Cross because we are an inclusive community. We enjoy 和 welcome differing perspectives, 和 celebrate what makes each of us unique. 我们相信,一个更能代表整个世界的社区有助于我们所有的学生在离开时为他们的社区做出积极和周到的贡献. 在上海有两个校区, 中国, our students are able to exchange ideas with their counterparts on another continent.
When it comes to helping students with college selection, 大学申请, 大学论文, 以及大学的决定, we have a dedicated college counselor whose sole responsibility is college counseling. Ms. Julie Aavatsmark has worked at North Cross for over over 15 years; prior to that she spent 15 years on the college side of this process, so she knows what colleges are looking for 和 has significant connections.
除了学业和大学准备, our students enjoy 和 benefit from participation in activities outside the classroom, 在那里他们可以探索新事物并发展与其他彩乐园2app下载学生的关系. Whether it is to travel to Harvard 和 participate in Model United Nations, join the team 和 go to a coding competition in Washington, D.C., 坐公共汽车去和另一所学校进行体育比赛, 或者在我们的戏剧表演或音乐剧中扮演一个角色, 作为我们学校的一部分,你有很多丰富的方法来充分利用你在美国的时间. 我们最快乐的学生是那些积极参与的学生.
International students also like North Cross because we are an inclusive community. We enjoy 和 welcome differing perspectives, 和 celebrate what makes each of us unique. 我们相信,一个更能代表整个世界的社区有助于我们所有的学生在离开时为他们的社区做出积极和周到的贡献. 在上海有两个校区, 中国, our students are able to exchange ideas with their counterparts on another continent.
The international students who are best fit for North Cross are those who are:
- 从彩乐园2app下载大学毕业后,专注于进入美国的学院或大学.
- very comfortable with speaking, listening, reading 和 writing using the English language.
- interested in participating outside the classroom in sports, 剧院, 俱乐部, 和 other activities with other students - they are also the happiest students we have.
- looking for individualized attention from faculty 和 staff.
我们能给学生的最大支持就是让他们感到受欢迎,并在他们需要我们的时候向他们保证, 我们是为他们而来的. 我们的教职员工在此之前就会抽出时间, 后, 在上学的白天和晚上. 除了, international students have direct access to our Interim 住宿生活处处长, Mr. Jamiel艾伦. 最后,高级学校的主任,先生. Stephen Belderes, is a valuable resource for all international students 和 their families.
我们的师生比例是8:1. 在一个典型的教室里, 我们高中平均有13个学生, 整体, 每个班级的学生人数都不超过18人.
The 上学校 typically has between 195-205 total students, 和, 平均, 我们有30-35名国际学生. Our goal is to increase the number of international students to 40, 非常多样化, 多国学生团体.
Can you share more information about the refund policy if a student fails to get a visa?
We will issue a full refund of the tuition amount paid if a student fails to obtain a visa; however, 首期订金不予退还.
你的学杂费支付计划是什么? Are there any differences between payment for the entire year or half year or quarterly?
Most of our students pay their tuition in full, before school begins. We do make exceptions in special cases to pay tuition in two installments. 学生个人购买书籍的费用, 实验室, 美联社测试, 午餐, 和零食, 是否按月支付到学生账户.
We offer 21 AP courses that include the following: Biology, 微积分AB和BC, 化学, 比较政府与政治学, 计算机科学A, 计算机科学原理, 英语语言及写作, 英国文学, 法语语言与文化, 人文地理, 拉丁, 物理1, 西班牙语言与文化, 统计数据, 工作室的图画, 美国历史, 和世界历史. 大学理事会向学生收取的费用将直接记入学生的账户. 目前,每次考试的费用是95美元.
Our student rooms are very different from what you might see at other schools. 每个房间都像公寓一样,有起居室/书房、卧室和浴室. 不用再跑到大厅去洗澡了! 通常,一个房间有两个学生. 房间是根据年龄分配的, 我们的目标是通过将学生与能够给他们更全面的生活体验的人配对来增加多元文化体验. We are flexible, however, to make adjustments as needed.
Does the student have time to arrange 和 get used to their new life at North Cross? 跟我们说说你们的入职培训计划?
所有国际学生都参加国际学生迎新会,并收到一份重要和有用的信息. 新生也将与我们的国内新生一起参加新生迎新会. 在我们的方向, we introduce new students to 彩乐园2app下载 和 its culture, 预期, 他们需要了解我们的关键人物. 我们谈论当地和地区的文化和法律, 他们会有新的体验, 和 we emphasize ‘need to know’ administrative procedures (i.e. I-20并保持全职身份).
如果学生在学业上有问题, 社交或宿舍生活, 谁可以帮助他们,如何联系他们?
宿舍工作人员可以与家长和中介保持密切联系,了解学生的学习进度. 我们的“宿舍”社区相对较小,因此我们能够为任何遇到学习困难的学生提供定制的计划. 例如, 我们使用了有监督的夜间自习室和电子设备的限制,让一些需要帮助集中注意力的学生在晚上学习. There is constant communication between the Dean of 学生 Life, 住宿生活处处长, 和 dorm staff that helps to ensure student success from a social perspective.
在学业上, 每个国际学生都有一名学术顾问和国际运营总监的额外支持, 谁与我们的老师一起确定在外语环境中学习可能产生的任何学术挑战.
在学业上, 每个国际学生都有一名学术顾问和国际运营总监的额外支持, 谁与我们的老师一起确定在外语环境中学习可能产生的任何学术挑战.
国际学生的典型学习计划是什么? Can students have tutoring programs to help when they need additional assistance?
上学校 students typically work on their own through scheduled study hall time. 大多数学生将有夜校工作,并将学会管理自己的时间来完成他们的作业. 教师可以在白天和可用, 提前安排, to address student questions at other times during the day 和 sometimes in the evenings. 高级学校的主任是一个很好的资源来帮助管理学术工作量. On occasion, a tutor may be recommended to help ensure the success of one of our students. There would be an additional fee associated with tutoring services.
Which subjects can students choose 和 what electives are available?
学生通过高级学校的主任工作,并通过选举第一选择他们每学年的课程, 第二个, 第三种选择来自毕业所需的必修课和他们感兴趣的选修课. 除了, each student is assigned a specific advisor who continually monitors academic progress, 与父母或监护人沟通, 并且严格地为他们的顾问辩护.
住在宿舍, do students need to go shopping or do they have to buy anything else for school?
They do not need to shop for anything other than personal items (such as grooming 和 hygiene supplies); however, shopping 和 restaurants are convenient to the dormitory. 在秋季学期开始之前,我们确实会与他们沟通学校需要的具体内容.
是的,学生必须自带笔记本电脑. 这取决于学生的偏好,取决于他们最喜欢哪种操作系统:苹果, 微软, 或铬. 如果苹果, go with Apple; if 微软, go with Dell; 和 if Chrome, 宏碁和谷歌都是不错的选择, but it is truly up to student/family preferences 和 budgets.
是的. 他们将通知学校和宿舍工作人员,并向家长说明他们所携带的药物.
目前我们不需要这个. 参加体育比赛, 是彩乐园2app下载社区的重要组成部分, 在学生们能够加入团队之前,我们将协调他们进行体育锻炼.
During their study, if students get sick, how can they get help?
At school, we have a registered nurse (RN) on staff each day during school hours. While at the dorm, dorm staff is available 和 medical care is convenient to the dorm. 工作人员24小时待命, 一天24小时, 帮助学生生病和需要医疗护理.
你的学校如何应对COVID-19大流行? How have you educated your students about social distancing?
We follow all state 和 federal regulations 和 medical guidance pertaining to COVID. 最重要的是,我们学生的安全是最重要的. 点击这里查看我们的 COVID协议.