教室里Fourth grade students learn to express in writing what they have learned across the curriculum. 因此,写作是每个学术领域不可或缺的一部分. A team of teachers instructs the core courses of math, science, language arts, and social studies. 所有学科领域都强调和教授组织和学习技能. 四年级的亮点包括去威廉斯堡过夜, 向家长展示的ppt项目, 在班级选择上有更多的自由.
体育教育仍然是四年级学生日常生活的一部分, 西班牙语也是如此, w在这里 they explore their creativity and speaking skills with skits they present to family members entirely in Spanish. |
越Making more of a book than what is presented on the page takes many forms in these later years in 较低的学校. Our 100 Books program encourages out-of-school reading of books aimed at expanding a child's (and family's) exposure to a wide variety of literary types and topics. 如果在五年级结束前完成, 一个学生从我们的图书管理员那里收到一张特殊的证书和一份礼物.
在年底, 在图书馆和我们的图书管理员进行了数周的研究之后, 以及使用ppt的速成班, each fourth-grade student will deliver a presentation in Fishburn Auditorium. 这个项目为学生提供了研究的机会, 分析, 写, and present on a singular topic and continues the North Cross belief in the benefits of public speaking.
学生可以选择参加其中的任何一种 开始带,介绍木管乐器和铜管乐器,或在 低年级合唱团,突出音乐理论和视唱技巧. 在每周的视觉艺术课上, 学生们学习不同的技巧和艺术家的风格, 全年在不同的媒体工作. |
7:55西班牙 8:35语言艺术/社会研究或 数学/科学 10:30 P.E. 周日午餐 上午休息 12:05数学/科学或 语言艺术/社会研究 2:00艺术/图书馆/弹性时间 2:50解雇 |
教室里这听起来可能很奇怪, but the best word with which to describe a fifth grader at North Cross is 'storyteller.这是因为他们学到的一切, 从编码到古代文明, 是通过故事被赋予生命的吗. The study of early humans begins the first few months of a fifth-grader's history curriculum. 但是他们的工作早在学年之前就开始了. 上五年级的暑期必读书目是 画洞里的男孩 作者:Justin F. 丹泽尔. 虽然不是历史教科书, it brings to life the time in which fifth-graders will spend their first weeks of school—the Cro-Magnum era.
有许多课程是通过课堂活动来说明的. Whether it be solving a word problem that will help choose the correct ingredients for a fraction 'pizza,' or performing a controlled science experiment and charting the results for a poster presentation, 我们的老师已经找到了许多方法来教导学生掌握技能, 没有经过测试, 通过赋予主题以生命. It's 一个 thing to have a student memorize facts about an Ancient Egyptian God, but it's entirely another to have him research and present his biography (as the God himself) to their class. Go ahead, ask a fifth-grader what the first written word looked like, they can draw it for you. 他们以前用粘土做过. |
越数学老师凯特·克拉克(Kate Clark)最近说,她的学生问:“Mrs. 克拉克,我们什么时候开始学代数?她回答说:“你已经是了。.“学生们即将进入大学的最后一年 新加坡数学, 一个不仅仅强调数学“如何”的课程, 但是“为什么”,通过将数字可视化为“可移动的部分”来理解解决方案.听起来像代数? (2x + 2) + x = 632 used to be something a student couldn't comprehend until 6th or 7th grade. 使用文字问题和条形模型来表示不同的数量, students can visualize the different parts of the problem so that figuring out how to solve it becomes, 好吧, 小学.
一张索引卡能容纳多少信息? What if the only information you could put on it is that which might actually help you in an open-note test? 现在,决定在上面放些什么 一个 卡, 将信息组织起来以便于查找, 然后用你能理解的方式转录出来. This is just 一个 example of the study skills taught which help our students organize information so that they'll have the building blocks for future research papers and presentations.
7:55西班牙语或科学/数学或 语言艺术/社会研究 8:35 西班牙语或科学/数学或 语言艺术/社会研究 10:30 P.E. 周日午餐 上午休息 12:05数学/科学或 语言艺术/社会研究 计算机科学或 艺术或图书馆或乐队/合唱团 2:50解雇 |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641•(540)9897299(传真) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
彩乐园2app下载是一所独立的学校, 男女合校的, 大学预备走读学校成立于1944年,由一名志愿者管理 校董会.
All contact information listed on this website is for official 彩乐园2app下载 business only. 彩乐园2app下载 does not accept unsolicited advertisements sent to school email addresses, 电话号码, 或者这个网站上列出的传真号码. 彩乐园2app下载没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, 入学, 财政援助或就业政策, 或任何其他由学院管理的课程. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的 包容性的声明. 认证 North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 彩乐园2app下载's Junior Kindergarten is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools who is recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Council for Private Education to accredit private nursery, 学前教育, 弗吉尼亚的小学和中学. 会员资格 彩乐园2app下载是全国独立学校协会的成员, 全国大学入学咨询协会, 以及波托马克和切萨皮克大学入学咨询协会, The Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 隐私政策 |